Of course there is “Cafe Culture” in Japan before “Jazz Cafe Culture”.
As of my memories, 45 years ago, for example, there were so many rather small cafe shops. (not chain shops like STARBUCKS).
And as far as I remember, taste of coffee was not bad. (At that time I liked taste of coffee and constantly have been serving it every morning!!)
However, operation of such individual coffee shop (1ST WAVE) is so tough. Then, the big wave was arrived also in Japan which was called “2ND WAVE“. Of course representative one is STARBUCKS.
But the 2nd wave is generally of larger operation even though seeking quality was strengthen, many people were thinking “MORE INDIVIDUAL TASTE” with rather smaller operation, which is called “3RD WAVE“. (one of a definition is “caring a lot on each individual producer”, like wine)
This is my rough understanding.
When we look at it for Jazz Cafe in Japan, 2nd wave was not so related because no such large operations. There was in long time of 1ST WAVE. (however, generally, quality was rather high, I think, because there was special cafe culture existed in Japan). Then, the 3RD WAVE came in these 10 years or so, in the same trend of worldwide coffee culture.
For example in Tokyo, there are several jazz cafes who have “HOME ROASTING”. And more jazz cafes who serve each coffee very carefully.
Nowadays, I think there is not so difference between “VISITING QUALIFIED CAFE” and “VISITING QUALIFIED JAZZ CAFE” in coffee taste !!
Oh what a happy place for coffee lovers and jazz lovers !!!
One of such a qualified jazz cafe is GEKKO SABOH (月光茶房), located in one of a sophisticated downtown in Tokyo, JINGUMAE, but a little bit in a silent corner.
It is a little bit different than a typical jazz cafe with heavy sound. Customers look like seeking a place of atmosphere with more mixed culture, and of course quality of coffee.
Cafe open was in 1989, but we heard the sad news of its close in Feb. 2021!
Oh I lost the chance to visit there !!
Probably there are sooooo many fans wishing its re-open, and from July the owner tries to open sometimes, not regularly, nearly once a week. That decision gave me a chance to visit !!!
It is a typical 3rd wave shop. Coffee bean is from very famous coffee roasters.
Each coffee is served very carefully by hand NEL drip.
Music is so sophisticated. (The owner is very famous as ECM label collector.)
Definitely it needs time to get an atmosphere smoothly by each customer. Even though once a week, we need to check the schedule by SNS (twitters and so), to get to the sophisticated place !!
- following is the initial post in Japanese
① ECMの膨大なコレクション目当てのマニアック!
② 堀口珈琲、初台G☆P COFFEE ROASTERからの豆を丁寧にドリップさせるスペシャリティーコーヒー目当て
職場が近くということもありG☆P COFFEE ROASTERさんは大好きな店です。下北沢マサコさんにも出されているということ。初めてG☆P COFFEE ROASTERさんにお邪魔したとき、「マサコさんで飲ませていただいたコロンビアがおいしくて」ってつぶやいたら、すかさず「今お飲みいただいているのが同じものですよ!」ってマスターに教えてもらい椅子から転げそうになりました。「ホットコーヒーください」って注文しただけです。
G☆P COFFEE ROASTER- 月光茶房ーマサコ の繋がりから見えてくるものは結構おもしろいもののような気がします。
ところで、壁にはKING CRIMSONまでかけられています。勇気があったらリクエストしてみたい(笑)