2024年様々走り回った経験の中での白眉は、間違いなくCalanthe Art Cafe との出会いです。たくさんありますが、一つは「マレーシア13州のコーヒー」を打ち出しているところ。これってすごいコンセプトですね。一瞬でマレーシアの幅広さに食らいつく!
The most impressive experience in 2024 was, definitely, the encounter with Calanthe Art Cafe, Melaka.
There are so many reasons. One of the largest one is to provide “KOPI of13 States in Malaysia”. This is a splendid concept. Immediately it should be approaching to the width and depth of the culture of Malaysia.
Thank you for the contents in following website.
For reference, it should be LAKSA which shows wide variety of local food culture in Malaysia.
Last visit to Malaysia was concentrated in for Coffee and Curry, therefore it would be for the next step. However, still it was so exciting to try several Laksa as follows.
そうだ! コーヒーとラクサを地方色の観点で「合体」させたらどうでしょう?! マレーシア各地を巡る旅が、一段と深みを増すのは間違いなさそうです。マーケティングにも効力はありませんか? Joe !
Oh, yes ! Why don’t we combine Coffee and Laksa in terms of local brilliance in Malaysia. Apparently it helps to deepen to travel around in Malaysia, as well as thinking about marketing, Joe !!
それぞれのラクサ詳細については下記サイトを参照させていただきました。Reference was made for each Laksa with following website.
Although it might be realistic to visit 13 states this year or not, however, just making ambition with 50 percent desire. Thank you.