日曜日はSunday Biryani ということで、ビリヤニをいただきました。マトンorチキンで、本日はチキンです。
I enjoyed Chicken Biryani at SRIMANGALAM, for Sunday Biryani (either chicken or muton. Today is chicken day)
Immediately there came a banana leaf, then followed Raita (yogurt sauce), then Biryani. In fact before the dish was coming, strong smell of spice were spread whole in the restaurant. It is almost to say getting heavy class punch before coming in the restaurant. The biryani was quite hot, just was born. Inside I could find several large lump of chicken. I could not stand waiting.
まあ何ですね、30分一本勝負。ミールスとは違い、複数の組み合わせで戦略を練る必要なく、ただ直球対直球勝負でしたが、言うまでもなくあえなく敗退です。この迫力はすごいわ。さすがChettinad。 ふんだんなスパイスの魔力がバスマティライス一粒一粒に染み渡り、口に入れる一塊の威力になると絶大です。かなりの量での提供なのですが、あっという間の完食です。
That was a single fight in 30 minutes. It was different from the Meals, no need to think about the strategy of the approach of the fight, only straight.
Of course quickly the defeat of me came in front of myself. Oh my god to this impressiveness. This is Chettinad !! The magic power of plenty of spice has penetrated into each grain of basmati rice. Although they served large amount of biryani, however, it was so quick to finish it.
いや、実は今回は、何と、Chettinad Biryani の製作過程を見せていただいたのです。そもそもはChettinad Biryani とは何なのか? 根源的な疑問は瞬時に解決。「半茹でのライスを、あらかじめ調理したグレイビーに入れ込み、しっかり混ぜた上で弱火でじっくりと蒸らす」
In fact, this time, I had an extremely favorable assist to me to show how to cook Chettinad Biryani. Fundamental question, “what is Chettinad Biryani” was quickly solved. “Steaming in a low firepower steadily with combination and mixture of half boiled rice and gravy sauce already cooked”.
ビリヤニは、細かく分けるとものすごく種類があるそうです。大きくは「カッチ式(生肉から加熱する)」と「パッキ式(調理済の肉から加熱する)」となるのですが、これはパッキ式ですね。しかし、カッチもパッキも、グレイビーを鍋の下部に敷いて、その上に半茹でライスを乗せて「層を作って」蒸し上げるのですが、チェティナードは層は作らず最初から混ぜ合 わせる。ここが一番の違いですね。
It is said that there are so many kinds of Biryani. Roughly there are ”Kacci style”and “Pacci style”. And clearly this Chettinad Biryani is “Pacci style”. And, although both Kacci and Pacci make layer of gravy and rice, however, Chettinad has no such a layer and mixed. This is the fundamental difference.
For example, following that I made had a layer which made “gradation”. I myself like it. In any way, apart from that, each detail of the step in making biryani had a huge difference, especially using spice. Great with Srimangalam Chettinad Biryani !!
ともあれ、この圧倒的で魅惑的な料理なのではありますが、食べてみないことには伝わらないものかもしれません。そうだ、下記イベントなどでは如何でしょうか? 2月16日はスリマンガラムに集結! 小田急線祖師ヶ谷大蔵駅から徒歩1分です。
For reference, please see the information that there will be special event at Srimangalam on February 16th (Sun). Let’s come and join there !!