The first collaboration of Sadao Watanabe and Dave Grusin was started in 1977 with “MY DEAR LIFE” (with Lee Ritenour Gentle Thoughts). It was called “L.A.FUSION”. Then, live concert in Japan, “AUTUMN BLOW”, and exploded with “CALIFORNIA SHOWER“. It was a peak of L.A. FUSION.
Then, Dave Grusin change it to N.Y.FUSION. The first album, “MORNING ISLAND” was also exploded.
It is very interesting to see contrast between CALIFORNIA SHOWER and MORNING ISLAND.
L.A.FUSION for extremely refreshing
N.Y.FUSION for urban elegance.
Then, the top of Japan Fusion, HOW’S EVERYTHING”.
After “ORANGE EXPRESS”, Sadao had another partner, Ralph MacDonald, and kept N.Y.FUSION in “FILL UP THE NIGHT” and “RENDEVOUS”

Which one would you like ??