旅・食 7-4, PHILIPPINES: BEING TRICKED BY NYLRIAM FOR THE MOUNTAIN WALK “Nylriam, I would like to treat to KAPE ARAMID” (In Indonesia, it is called as KOPI LUWAK) I think it is affordable for... 2022.06.29 旅・食
ジャズ喫茶 ご近所3件先(?)のジャズバー 実は高校生まで地方に住んでいて、ジャズ好きだったのですがジャズ喫茶に行くには遠出をしないといけない高校生活を送っていました。大学に行くのに東京に行きたかったのは、気軽にジャズ喫茶に行きたかったからのようなものです。(東京に来れたのはその後... 2022.06.28 ジャズ喫茶
珈琲世界 COFFEE AT DRIPPING, WELL SWELLED !! "May I have coffee bean which is well swelled at dripping ?" I asked coffee bean shop staff, then he recommended, EA... 2022.06.26 珈琲世界
JAZZその他音楽 A Clear Artistry of JAPAN JAZZ There is a common understanding that jazz is rather serious. When we think about the creation period in 100 years ago, ... 2022.06.26 JAZZその他音楽
JAZZその他音楽 THANK YOU,ANTHONY JACKSON,PUSHING UP JAPAN FUSION STRONGLY I could not forget the unfortunate incident twice in my life, losing the chance to see Anthony Jackson. One was on 1... 2022.06.23 JAZZその他音楽
旅・食 7-3, PHILIPPINES: INTRARUMOS (THE WALLED CITY), SPANISH TASTE IN PHILIPPINES We all know about the history in Philippines in related with Spain which is from the mid of 16th through 19th century. ... 2022.06.22 旅・食
旅・食 7-2, PHILIPPINES: A PIG ROASTED FOR AN IMPORTANT CEREMONY. “OK, DONDON, my first suggestion is …, it is better surprising for you.” Nylriam took my hands to outside from coffe... 2022.06.20 旅・食
旅・食 7-1, PHILIPPINES: START FROM THE SUNSET VIEWS AT MANILA BAY “DONDON, do you know this is called as “ONE OF THE TOP 3 SUNSET VIEWS”?. Nylriam is asking me. “First time I hear... 2022.06.18 旅・食
旅・食 6-6, INDONESIA: BALI -THE ISLAND OF THE GOD After saying good by to Aulia, I came to Bali by myself. It is my strong desire at the beginning, just because Bali has... 2022.06.16 旅・食
珈琲世界 WHAT WE CAN DO FOR MYANMAR. One of the realistic approach is to order hand dripped coffee at AUNG COFFEE (2-7-6, Hara cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan... 2022.06.13 珈琲世界