ジャズ喫茶 RECORD vs CD It is only of my individual memory that, initially I bought records by myself (in my high school days I could not use m... 2021.11.29 ジャズ喫茶
雑記 2021年ニッポンの退屈日記 Juzo ITAMI (May 15,1933- Dec.20, 1997) was a worldwide famous cinema director. However, I was surprised to know that... 2021.11.22 雑記
JAZZその他音楽 ALMOST EVERY NIGHT WE CAN SEE MIKIKO NAGATAKE AT SOMEWHERE JAZZ CLUB In fact, there are so many jazz clubs in Tokyo metropolitan area. In fact, there are so many jazz musicians to be playi... 2021.11.19 JAZZその他音楽
JAZZその他音楽 BEST 10 JAZZ ALBUMS OF THE 70’S BY SWING JOURNAL What are your best 10 jazz albums of the 70's ?? Again, it is interesting to see the old magazine to be found by cha... 2021.11.16 JAZZその他音楽
JAZZその他音楽 CONGRATULATIONS!! MR.RON CARTER TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE ORDER OF THE RISING SUN, GOLD RAYS WITH ROSETTE It should be one of the highest honor of Mr. Ron Carter (May 4,1937- ) to have been given the Order of the Rising Sun, ... 2021.11.14 JAZZその他音楽
ジャズ喫茶 ジャズ喫茶・神保町御茶ノ水エリア競争激化!! DONATO コロナ禍にあってもジャズ喫茶の新規開店! 正直大変なのかもしれませんが素晴らしいと思います。たぶん長年の夢であったのでしょう。 暖かい雰囲気に包まれた店内、サイフォンで淹れたおいしい珈琲。立派なオーディオでのしっかりした大音量でのジ... 2021.11.11 ジャズ喫茶
JAZZその他音楽 ERIC DOLPHY AND JAKUCHO SETOUCHI, NOVELIST IN JAPAN Who is the first encounter of jazz musician for jazz lovers ?? It depends, of course. Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Ch... 2021.11.11 JAZZその他音楽
ジャズ喫茶 JAZZ KISSA OR JAZZ CAFE ?? It should be extremely delightful that Jazz Kissa or Jazz Cafe is becoming more popular in the world. It should be a gr... 2021.11.09 ジャズ喫茶
JAZZその他音楽 DUO UNIT BEAUTY, JABUTICABA, FELL DOWN AT SALT PEANUTS, EKODA Jabuticaba is duo unit of Mikiko Nagatake (p) and Nami Kano (as, ss). The album "Jabuticaba" was released in Feb.202... 2021.11.08 JAZZその他音楽
雑記 「わが心の香港 映画監督アン・ホイANN HUI」 KEEP ROLLING OUR HONG KONG !! I watched documentary cinema about Hong Kong cinema director, Ann Hui, the other day. Sorry to say I was not familia... 2021.11.07 雑記