IT IS MY DREAM FOR A LONG TIME, even in virtual, that I visit some of jazz café together with my FB friends!!
Where we shall go ??
YES. There is a guide!!
How long we have time??
It is a tough question. We need one month!! But we need to choose.
OK. We got 2 days to turn round in these listed cafes.
Chanudom got special interest in ON A SLOW BOAT TO…because of its ROASTING at café. In fact in Japan, there are so many coffee shops where they prepare roasting at its café.
Probably all of them serve nice and fragrant coffee. However, especially at ON A SLOW BOAT TO…. We can feel its carefulness most distinctively.
On that sense, Chanudom got a same idea exactly.
In Japan, there is a long and deep history of jazz café.
Most probably in Thailand, there could be the same trend with jazz café, led by NUGLENG BAR. (like hot spring !!)
Good exchange !!