The next day HE moved to Shenzhen. Shenzhen is the city where HE had been working for a while long time ago. HE understood there was a lot of change. Being excited !
HE remembered how to move to Shenzhen from Hong Kong. There are several ways. Currently, due to government policy (honestly inconvenient!), foreigners needs visa. HE learned a lot though web site information, and the best method is taking a bus from Mongkok to Fangan(皇岸). In fact HE used to take that bus many times, because at that time it was 24 hours on duty. Currently the earliest bus leaves at 6:00. It takes around 40 minutes to 皇岸. HE decided to take 8:00 o’clock bus because visa office at 皇岸 opens at 9:00. Bus charge is HKD45.00
HE took a porridge for breakfast in Hong Kong style, which is called “CONGEE”. Extremely creamy after several hours boiling. The best breakfast in Hong Kong is congee !!

The bus was approaching to Shenzhen very smoothly. On the bus, HE was reminding a lot of talks with Hong Kong friends, as if HE met them actually….
At the immigration to apply visa, it was not so inconvenient. Just applied it, and waited for a while. No actual difficulties.
After immigration, HE changes some money into Chinese currency called RMB. And took a subway called 地鉄 to 赤湾天后古廟(Chiwan Tianhou Temple). It is located in the south west side of Shenzhen. HE remembered how to get there.

YES !! This is the place. HE committed to himself. According to several website explanation, this 天后古廟 is one of the most significant one to be respected, even though there are so many 天后廟 in the world.
HE was just standing around in the middle of the temple for long time without thinking anything. There were several visitors at first when he arrived, as per his memory, but after that HE cared nothing about other people, just reminding previous memories in Shenzhen.
There was an unpleasant memory with him which was sealed up strictly. Nowadays HE himself is not sure what has happened exactly after long time. Serious damage in his heart. When ? After several years of his stay in Shenzhen. HE was assigned as a manager of logistics section here. Due to serious damage and heavy pressure more than too much, HE could not manage himself, then finally HE needed to come back to Japan being extremely disappointed. But at this moment no need to remind all, no need to judge who was responsible for this problem. Just came here to remind who were honest people here, who were kind to him, who were supporting him….
A lot of appreciation to 天后古廟, then HE left there to move to his hotel.
The hotel HE booked in Japan is located near the subway station, 僑城東. 10-12 minutes walk. On the way to the hotel, HE felt a warm breeze. On the way, there were so many trees to cut off strong sunshine softly. GREEN, here in Shenzhen.
Checked in at the hotel quite smoothly. It was hostel type with other guest in the same room. It was the first time for him to stay at the hotel with the people who were not familiar. Anyway it was his choice to try for the unfamiliar experience. His tentative roommate was already stayed in the room. HE said hello to him, and exchanged something as a greeting. Everything was smooth.
HE went out for dinner himself, and when he was back to the hotel, HE was heavily surprised to see the front desk staff. She was a young lady, she was highly charming. No, no, it was not the issue. She was exactly alike with a lady who was working with him long time ago ! HE thought she was the same person ? HE felt rude himself but could not stop gazing her. She just smiled. Then, she talked to him, “If you don’t mind, could I show you around here on walking ? I will finish my job shortly”.
HE thought it was a day dream. And just prayed not to be awaken.
On the way walking around the hotel with a charming lady, in an incredibly sophisticated circumstances, HE reminded the similar circumstances long time ago. Those were on the way back from restaurants after job. Often HE had chances to have dinner together with staffs. The members were not fixed, case by case. However, in every case it was a wonderful time enjoying having dinner together, and talking and laughing. HE reminded that HE had a confident to be supported. HE realized his memories were not faded, not disappeared, just slept. They are awaken, they are alive.
Still HE had a time walking together, then HE found a nice cafe. Actually there are so many nice cafe. But that was outstanding. In fact coffee is one of a few items he keep loving so long. Sometimes we enjoyed coffee together with staffs, however, after the trouble with him, coffee was just relieving from stress, not more. Now HE felt HE could enjoy coffee like previously.
HE thought HE wished to stay here as long as possible, but it looks it is late for her, and tried to close the day. Of course HE would pay for coffee, but she refused it saying ” You always paid for us, and this time please let it being my turn”. HE was confused, but not a headache, just feeling comfortable.
The next day, the front desk charming lady was not on duty, and HE himself was walking in the city alone, looking for many of the spots HE had been long time ago. Many of restaurants were changed but HE felt happy seeing some of them are still alive.
The following day HE had booked a flight to Penang through Hong Kong, and woke up early in the morning.
— To be continued —