It is said that Jinbo-cho, Kanda is one of the No.1 bookstore town in the world with 190 stores !.
After getting books, if you immediately want to read them, cafe is very convenient, so as Jazz cafe. There are many jazz cafe around there. Currently;
KISSAKO (03-6277-9354)
OLYMPUS (03-3259-0055)
BIG BOY (03-3233-4343)
ADIRONDACK (03-5577-6811)
It is natural that each cafe has each character.
for example, OLYMPUS with heavy sounded mainstream jazz;
KISSAKO is not so heavy. It is more possible to have light talks between visitors, or to concentrate on reading books. Oh really Jinbo-cho-like !!
Mon-Fri = 11:00-20:00
Sat.Sun.Holiday= 12:00-18:00