So many audiences were enjoyed today’s program “FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE:Erena Terakubo” through Consulate General of Japan in New York. Thank you so much for all of coordinators in this program.
寺久保エレナの”FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE” NYの日本領事館からの配信ライブ。非常に大勢の方々が視聴されたようです。関係者の皆様大変お疲れ様でした。
Many times we heard “Little girl….” for Japanese lady. In fact I am working for organization, and many times I feel it on the scene…..sorry to say. Men got more chance. Therefore, ladies were shrank in the organization under fundamental difficulties !! (Situation has been changing step by step).
However, it is organization, and individual professional like musicians are different. Even in organization, women are “protected”.
I am not so sure how different between men and women when to work overseas. Erena said “more tough than men”. Maybe so.
However, there have been so many women musicians who decided to play in the US.
Erena Terakubo;
In 2009 (at her high school) she joined JAZZ WORKSHOP for BERKLEY SUMMER PROGRAM.
In 2011 she enrolled Berkley as PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLORSHIP!!
After that based in USA, she got firm step up in her carrier.
Many women musicians playing in the US, like Toshiko Akiyoshi and Hiromi Uehara feel TOUGH, however, Erena, rather soft… It might be just a character, however, even so, she played “LITTLE GIRL POWER”. We can understand that meaning.
It is not easy to see her playing directly. Just hope situation came back and can move more easily. Waiting for the chance Erena come to Japan for the “POWERFUL” performance by TINY lady.
穐好敏子さん、上原ひろみさん、、かなり”タフ”な印象なのですが、エレナさんもっとソフトな印象なのですよね。もちろん単なる個性なのでしょうが。しかしどうしても「日本的な」を感じてしまいます・・・それでも彼女の”LITTLE GIRL POWER” 意味するところはよく理解できます。
今残念ながら簡単に彼女の演奏を生で聴くことは簡単ではありません。早く世の中が落ち着き、TINY LADYの POWERFULな演奏に接したいと思うのみです