Happy Birthday to you, Messrs. Akira Sakata, Yasuhiro Yoshigaki and Daisuke Fujiwara !!
Very much impressive how came Sakata-san got no image of “AGING“. He said always he preferred playing together with younger musicians to keep stimulus. It should be the key. And, it is the same direction of my blog here. Thank you very much !!
It is a rule to have birthday live for more than 10 years for Akira Sakata and Yasuhiro Yoshigaki at Shinjuku Pit Inn.
This year Daisuke Fujiwara joined.
Akira Sakata (1945.2.21-)
Yasuhiro Yoshigaki (1959.2.21-)
Daisuke Fujiwara (1970.2.21-)
Supporting musicians are;
Kazuhisa Uchihashi (g), Yuji Katsui (vln), Shinobu Kawas (b), Mitsuru Nasuno (b), Manabu Sakata (ds, son of Akira Sakata!) and Kumiko Takara (vib)
I felt today, this performance is combined with 3characters.
One for Akira Sakata which is too distinctive, FREE !!
One for Orchesta Libre (today’s members are Yasuhiro Yoshigaki, Daisuke Fujiwara and Kumiko Takara)— It is rather traditional in large ensemble.
And one for Alterd States (today’s members are Yasuhiro Yoshigaki, Kazuhisa Uchihashi and Mitsuru Nasuno) It is hard electric.
Today we could enjoy above 3 characters in fusion.
Once again, all the audiences today were highly impressed with Sakata-san’s performance.
His play itself is stable in his style, but well in harmony with other younger musicians.
This is JAPAN’s collaboration, maybe.
Just for reference, if somebody is interested in, there is PIT INN NET JAZZ service
