2021年4月17日。雨。小岩のライブハウスCOCHI はそれでも満席でした。峰厚介(ts)+守谷美由貴(as)+永武幹子(p)(ゲスト青木正人(tp))。
峰厚介はまがうことなき日本のレジェンドの一人です。私自身はNATIVE SONでの活躍からの大ファンなのですが、TBMレーベルからの第一レコードとしてもご自身の第一号リーダーアルバム「峰」をだされているのですね。本日の最初のスピーチでも「お二人合わせた年齢より高い私が。。。。」と観客全員を笑わせておられました。
- following is previous post in English.
Today on April 17th, 2021, at Jazz Club, Cochi, Koiwa, Edogawa, TOKYO (03-3671-1288),
there was a special session with Kosuke Mine(ts), Miyuki Moriya (as) and Mikiko Nagatake (p).(special guest, Masahito Aoki (tp).
(It is a irregular group formation. Oh, really jazz is so flexible!!)
Kosuke Mine (1944-) is the real LEGEND of Japan Jazz. His first album, MINE (1970), is also the first album of Japanese Label, THREE BLIND MICE. (At that time he played as, then around 1971 changed to ts) And his carrier at NATIVE SON with Takehiro Honda(p) from 1978 made them big name in Japanese Fusion. Quite unfortunately Takehiro Honda left the earth on 2006, and following is his tribute live performance (Miyuki Moriya was also joined)
Miyuki Moriya and Mikiko Nagatake, two RISING STARS… please refer to following.
I got a strong impression surprisingly to see Kosuke Mine, who looked consistently supporting 2 rising stars. (in fact gig started from 3 tunes composed by Moriya and Nagatake). On the other hand, it is clear that both stars respect Mine very much.
It is my individual issue that I got a similar intention so long wishing succession to younger generation.However, in this case, maybe it is quite tough……
In a jazz village, globally, so many people are noble !! Amazing and envious !!