
TAKING 18 HOURS BY TRAIN FROM BANGKOK, I arrived at Padang Besar, which is cross boarder station between Thailand and Malaysia. Then immigration for the both, and changed train to Butterworth. After around 2 hours train trip, enjoying the different window view between that of Thailand and Malaysia, arrived at Butterworth station. Butterworth is the peninsula side, and Penang is the island. Both are connected by the bridge, however, I took a ferry which has more local color.

(It is interesting that they take a fee for the only one way..)

Now I am on the Penang Island. Time is just 16:00.

I have ordered Asam Laksa (Laksa of the Penang style).

I have checked in the Inn style hotel as usual, then walked around in the city. Now I got a sense to find where there is such an inn in the city !!

Suddenly, a distinctively outstanding building was appeared in front of me, which is extremely bright in Indigo Blue. The name is, I checked, Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion (commonly called as “BLUE MANSION”)

I asked the gateman how to get in this building.

He told me there are 3 ways.

  1. To stay in the room inside used as a hotel
  2. To book a guide tour (twice in a day, 11am and 2pm)
  3. To book for a lunch

I found that only 3 is available for me, then booked for tomorrow.

I felt a little bit tired, and came back to the Inn. I could not stop feeling like being sucked into that Indigo Blue building.

Within Indigo Walls by Cheong Fatt Tze – The Blue Mansion

