Oh, it is Aulia, who is intelligent and generous. Already I got her image by FB photo. But I did not disclose it yet. Therefore, I told her I would wear indigo blue shirts. And typically look like Japanese. It should be easy to notice! Appoint is at 14:00 at ticket booth.
Frankly speaking I am not so interested in the antient days history in general. However, Aulia’s explanation was so fascinating, and I thought I was enough familiar with Indonesia’s characteristic in terms of multiracial, maybe.
After seeing main points of the museum, we had coffee at museum café. And self introduction each other afresh. It is strange that FB relationship feels that we knew each other enough. But sometimes it becomes dangerous. We should be careful to introduce each other when we see actually, or even virtually.
Aulia’s character is almost just I expected. Charming, generous and intelligent. Also I notice well how she is honest in believing her religion. That is not the point I got…. Sorry for her.
Then, it is the time to enjoy the meal !!
In fact we already exchanged where to go. It should be PADANG CUISINE !!
Ailia suggested SEDERHANA restaurant near MUSEUM NASIONAL.
PADANG CUISINE is not so familiar with Japanese citizen widely yet, even though NASI GORENG is quite familiar.
In general, when customer visit the restaurant, restaurant staff brings so many kinds of small dishes without order to customer’s table. Then customer choose which dish to eat. Those dishes customer did not choose, customer leave it, and restaurant never charges for them.
Therefore, usually there is no menu.
And, foreign people are afraid that it is not easy to choose because we are not familiar.
But for mee it is OK today because there is Aulia again who gives me careful explanation.
“DONDON, what is your most favorite ?”
“I like rendang.” Is it beef boiled well with coconuts milk and several spices ??”
“Correct. You know well”

“I had tried it in Japan some time ago, but not the same style to be served”.
“Is it acceptable ?”
“Oh, more than delicious, and it is extremely soft”
“Because they boil them so long, like two days”.
“I see. What is the dish you choose ?”
“This is Ayam Pop. Indonesian fried chiken”.

“Can I take one piece?”
“Surely. Give me your Rendang”
“Here you are”.
“Of course rendang is my favorite as well”.
“Aulia, it is a pity that we can not be experienced with the real Padang restaurant in Japan”.
“Oh, it is simple that Dondon can develop by yourself!”
“I see. Then, please help me in Japan!!.
“I try to think of it.”
Dreamful evening never comes to the end…