This is one of the most fascinating area to visit in Ho Chi Minh. Even though it is a little bit far from the center of downtown, but just 5 km and a little, taking 20 minutes by bus from “Ben Thanh Market to Ba Thien Hau Temple ! Bus No.1
In Vietnam as well, long time ago, there were so many Chinese people moved to this area seeking the new place to develop. Then, they made up “Chinatown”, which is called “CHO LON”.
They gathered in each according to their origin place in China, like 広東、福建、潮州、海南.
They built up their Chinese Temples as well.

Here in Cho Lon area, there are 4 Chinese Temples for each origin places ! Each temple has each character, maybe in accordance with their origin.
Ba Thien Hau Temple= 広東Guangdong built in 1760 !
On Lang Hoi Quan= 福建Fujian
Nghia An Hoi Quan= 潮州Teochew
Chua Ba Hai Nam=海南HaiNam
To take a bus, it is better to install Vietnamese app, “BusMap” It is quite convenient.
Of course taking a taxi or Grab should be more convenient.
And, for example, after Ba Thien Hau Temple, if you got a time, just walk around in Cho Lon area using Google Map. Feeling plenty of Chinese atmosphere !!