It is said that there are more than 600 jazz cafe in Japan (excluding jazz bar only in the evening). And, 茶会記 is definitely in the top class if we make condition, “with high arts flavor”.
At first, the NAMING;
茶会記 is a “DOCUMENTARY RECORD OF TEA CEREMONY“. It highly reminds of Japanese tea culture rise in 16th century, in 千利休 era.
Based on such Japanese tradition, then several cultures are added, also its core of jazz.
In the main cafe room is jazz cafe (traditional and high fragrance of culture).
Then in the backside, there is another room, where several events have been performing.
In fact, I can not imagine if there is such an another place existing.
Then, it is a great pity that many visitors who are captivated by this cafe, should cry to themselves, “WHY IN THE WORLD THERE IS NECESSITY TO CLOSE THIS CAFE ????” Nobody could answer. So far, even only one more week, however, still open until 31st December 2020. It is better that anybody think about it by himself to visit there.
Thank you very much.