Shall we go to the “MORNING” ??
Some years ago, when my father and mother were well and when we went to see them, we were invited to go to coffee shop the next morning to enjoy special morning service at coffee shop. It was like local social place. Many of regular customers were joined there to enjoy coffee with toasted bread, boiled eggs and some salad.
愛知周辺の喫茶店文化で真っ先にあがるのが、①モーニングセット大サービス。そしてもう一つが ②高い食事系の比重、のようです(ファミリーレストランのようなものだ、と言われます)。
It was said at first for the typical Aichi coffee culture that; ①Moring special service ②High portion of foods.
For the first time I went to Nagoya after started this BLOG, in order to visit YURI, which was located at down of Nagoya TV tower. In fact I was surprised to see many of customers were standing and waiting outside of the shop !! However, it was OK to listen to the music through the open door.
定番の筆頭なの[かもしれません。カレーをいただきました。程よいスパイスが食欲をそそります。店内のお客さんは20名程度といったところでしょうか。ほとんどが食事客のようでした。昼過ぎですからね。しかも女性客が6-7割! 曜日、時間帯での特性があるのかは知りません。それぞれ少し抑えめに、楽しそうに歓談されていらっしゃいました。もちろんよくあるレストランでのおしゃれなBGMでは決してありません。1968年創業の名店での本格ジャズを、程よい音量で。
I had a little bit spicy curry rice which looks one of the major dish there. Also it looks almost all of the customers were for lunch. All of them were enjoying talks a little bit calmly as well as listening to authentic Jazz music.
Furthermore, I was glad to see high school student to be accompanied by his mother (maybe). It was so nice to see such tradition.
“What was your chance to love jazz ??”
“Probably just my mother loved it, and every weekend she brought me to lunch !!”
If, YURI opens very early in the morning, probably it had the similar MORNING SERVICE there !!